Saturday, August 4, 2012

"A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed" -Ansel Adams

Photographer: Leslie Alsheimer: courtesy of

Documentary photography, videos, collages, music even are all very fascinating revenues to reach out the the public about social issues and injustice. has a simple message: The ability to utilize photography to promote awareness. 

A simple concept, a powerful message and a lasting impression. 

What I love most about this site is that it not only highlights some of the most crucial global issues that we, who are fortunate in the states choose not to believe or acknowledge, but also some of the problematic and recurring themes that are as critical here right in our own backyards. It definitely puts things in perspective. 
They promote a basic idea that photographers worldwide come together to represent: A Universal Declaration of Human Rights..

Each photographer or rather sets of photographs can be categorized from homelessness, exploitation or the basic human condition. They all strive to communicate "their strong desires with the insights through their photographs."

It is a site worth visiting and revisiting. And if there is ever any doubt to what you can do for people, visit this site again. There are numerous issues and avenues to take to contribute.I ask that you merely go and take a look. You could be changed...for the better. I suppose that's what anyone would really hope for. However, if it makes a viewer re-evaluate an issue, or become more aware of an issue that may have seemed small or insignificant, I hope this allows many to stop and perhaps educate themselves for a cause that's most worthwhile for you. touched and hopefully inspired too....

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