Thursday, August 2, 2012

the face of TOMS

Blake Mycoskie

      Recently, I came across this picture. And before I knew that this man was behind the face of the internationally known company TOMS, I had to do some research. My inner journalist I suppose peaked my curiosity. In its purest form, this picture simply displays a man helping put on a shoe for this little boy. However, this one picture nearly says everything needed in what this man not only believes, and enjoys doing, anyone would question what his story is behind this picture....

His name is Blake Mycoskie. And while some may know him as the founder of TOMS, not many know his personal story and how the company started. It really is pretty amazing and definitely worth retelling for those who aren't familiar. And for those who may ask "where have you been hiding all these years to NOT know his story..." I guess I would say, some details seemed minute at the time.

One of my favorite stories although short, definitely sweet and unforgettable! 
On a trip to Argentina with his friends, Blake noticed just how many children were barefoot. Not only did they grow up with nothing, but to not have the simplicities of shoes deeply affected Blake. The following year, the one for one movement that TOMS is internationally known for, came about. 
He returned with 10,000 pair of shoes to distribute among the children of the village that he once traveled to dedicating that for each pair of shoes that were sold, he would in turn set aside a pair to take and give to a child in need. That motto and motivation and inspiration has driven TOMS to be the successful company it is today. With strong morals and attributes to bring awareness for the youth to take action, to give and to give more in every aspect of their lives, TOMS never forgets the intentional message it seeks to touch to the millions of us who own a pair. If at the very least, all of those who own a pair TOMS shoes or eyewear, has helped directly in providing for children in need whether it be through medical eye examinations, or the privileged luxuries of having shoes on dirty roads to avoid illnesses that can be caused. 

So I ask those who think about purchasing shoes at TOMS next time, to take a moment to think about the thousands that you would be helping whether intentional or indirectly, you are putting a face to every purchase you make.

I leave you with one of my favorite quotes in this world and seemingly so, coincidently also Blake's, Be the change you wish to see in the world"- Ghandi

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