Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel" -Maya Angelou

Debate over religion, chosen lifestyles, politics, and wealth are things that most people try to avoid. However when does it become too unbearable to not say anything about an issue that has unnecessarily become a rising issue for the last however many centuries? We faced it as a nation in fighting for women's rights for equality and voting. How is this any different? 

Sexism, Ageism, Genderism and Racism....
will it ever really stop? can it be stopped? This is an ongoing conversation I continually revisit with so many people. More relevant now than ever. 

Where did the simple acts of humanism and human interaction disappear to? It is such a deeply saddened pandemic that these issues that become larger everyday. 
I dont know how often I hear people speak and debate about how great these changing times are paving way for generations to come. I worry that we aren't doing enough. 

I had this conversation today about how appalling it is to see young adults who are still very narrow-minded about these topics. Is it the lack of education that creates intolerability to other people who are seemingly and rightfully different from us? Is the a cultural deficit that our society seems to lack to "growing" adults who can accept differences among communities? And I suppose no one will ever know. It's a question that will continue to draw heated debates, a controversy that may lead to an uproar of constitutional ratifications, organizations or leading of policies that should be placed. 

I am hopeful that one day soon, we are able to take those differences and learn from our historical past, our wars, our genocides, and our sufferings. It starts small. Not only can you educate our youth, you there is an constant need for re-education in simple acts of human behavior....kindness...humility...acceptance and love. 

It's true, people don't always remember the nuances of what's said and not said, who wore it best and looked the best. people remember the lasting impression and impact of how you made them feel. And that can always be taught...

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